I made rice and beans (and some other stuff) and you can too!

I made rice and beans (and some other stuff) and you can too!

Super simple chili, serves 8:

1 Green Bell Pepper

2 Red Bell Peppers

2 Jalapeños

replace a bell pepper with two poblano peppers if you’re ok with some extra prep— these should be roasted and skinned, but they’re worth it

1 sweet onion

4 cloves of garlic ngl I tossed a whole bulb into this one, you can’t go wrong 😍

1lb or about 1/2kg of your favorite protein, I usually use ground beef or turkey

32oz (two cans) of beans

32oz (a big can) of tomato sauce

16oz (beef) broth

Spices: chili powder, cumin, paprika, black pepper, oregano, basil, parsley

Equipment: frying pan, saucepan, crock pot that’s a slow cooker, euroids, cutting board, chef’s knife, cooking spoon, spatula

First thing I typically do is set up the kitchen space. I get all of my ingredients and equipment in more or less the spaces I’ll be using them, make sure my knife is sharp, and eat a small snack.

After that, I start to simmer my broth on medium-high with the oregano, basil, and parsley. I usually add a couple/few teaspoons of each. Smell the herbs as you add them to get a feel for what flavor you’re building. You’ll want to take this off when the liquid is about half its starting volume. Let it go too long and it’ll make the whole dish taste bitter and weird, don’t ask how I know.

This is a good time to toss all of the easy stuff into the big pot. In goes the tomato sauce and both cans of beans! I add a tablespoon of chili powder (it’ll be pretty spicy) and a few shakes of cumin before giving it a good stir and turning my attention elsewhere.

Now I start browning the ground beef or turkey. As it’s starting to look finished, I pour off any excess grease into my empty tomato sauce can. At that point I turn the heat down and start generously seasoning it with cumin, black pepper, and paprika.

As the meat is browning I chop the onion to a rough dice. When the meat comes off, the onions go right in its place. Another good stir to the pot, and then it’s time to check on the broth.

The last things I do are cut up the peppers and garlic. Bell peppers are easy enough, but try to do your jalapeños and garlic last. You’ll likely want to thoroughly rinse the cutting board after each.

The chili cooks for three hours on high or basically all day on medium.

Y’all have any good rice and beans recipes?

I made rice and beans (and some other stuff) and you can too!

Super simple chili, serves 8:

1 Green Bell Pepper

2 Red Bell Peppers

2 Jalapeños

replace a bell pepper with two poblano peppers if you’re ok with some extra prep— these should be roasted and skinned, but they’re worth it

1 sweet onion

4 cloves of garlic ngl I tossed a whole bulb into this one, you can’t go wrong 😍

1lb or about 1/2kg of your favorite protein, I usually use ground beef or turkey

32oz (two cans) of beans

32oz (a big can) of tomato sauce

16oz (beef) broth

Spices: chili powder, cumin, paprika, black pepper, oregano, basil, parsley

Equipment: frying pan, saucepan, crock pot that’s a slow cooker, euroids, cutting board, chef’s knife, cooking spoon, spatula

First thing I typically do is set up the kitchen space. I get all of my ingredients and equipment in more or less the spaces I’ll be using them, make sure my knife is sharp, and eat a small snack.

After that, I start to simmer my broth on medium-high with the oregano, basil, and parsley. I usually add a couple/few teaspoons of each. Smell the herbs as you add them to get a feel for what flavor you’re building. You’ll want to take this off when the liquid is about half its starting volume. Let it go too long and it’ll make the whole dish taste bitter and weird, don’t ask how I know.

This is a good time to toss all of the easy stuff into the big pot. In goes the tomato sauce and both cans of beans! I add a tablespoon of chili powder (it’ll be pretty spicy) and a few shakes of cumin before giving it a good stir and turning my attention elsewhere.

Now I start browning the ground beef or turkey. As it’s starting to look finished, I pour off any excess grease into my empty tomato sauce can. At that point I turn the heat down and start generously seasoning it with cumin, black pepper, and paprika.

As the meat is browning I chop the onion to a rough dice. When the meat comes off, the onions go right in its place. Another good stir to the pot, and then it’s time to check on the broth.

The last things I do are cut up the peppers and garlic. Bell peppers are easy enough, but try to do your jalapeños and garlic last. You’ll likely want to thoroughly rinse the cutting board after each.

The chili cooks for three hours on high or basically all day on medium.

Y’all have any good rice and beans recipes?